En garde – Recrudescence de la criminalité cyber
Les autorités nationales et les experts en cybersécurité signalent que le taux de cybercriminalité en Europe est actuellement très élevé. Nous vous rappelons que Quintet ne vous demandera jamais de partager des informations personnelles (telles que vos codes d’accès, vos mots de passe ou des numéros de carte de crédit) par courriel, par SMS ou par téléphone.

Si vous recevez une telle demande de Quintet, ou tout autre message de la banque qui semble suspecte, n'ouvrez pas ce courriel et ne cliquez sur aucun lien ou pièce jointe. Si vous avez des doutes, veuillez contacter votre conseiller clientèle en utilisant les canaux de communication habituels.

Mars 2024 : des escrocs actifs en France
InsingerGilissen met en garde contre une tentative d'escroquerie de la part d’un individus se faisant passer pour un de nos conseillers clientèle en France. Cette personne contacte les victimes potentielles par téléphone et leur fait des propositions d'investissement. Une fois l'intérêt suscité, un courriel est envoyé à la victime avec un document contenant la "proposition d'investissement". A première vue, ce courriel semble avoir été envoyé par un employé d'InsingerGilissen.

InsingerGilissen n'est pas implanté en France et ne sera jamais le premier à vous contacter par téléphone, ou tout autre moyen de communication, pour vous faire une proposition d'investissement non sollicitée. Avez-vous été approché de cette manière ? Ne répondez pas et signalez la tentative d'escroquerie aux autorités locales.

National authorities and cybersecurity experts report that the cybercrime rate in Europe is now very high. We would like to remind you to be cautious and to remember that Quintet will never ask you to share personal information (such as personal registration codes, passwords or credit card numbers) via e-mail, text message or on the phone.

If you receive such a request from Quintet, or any other message from the bank that appears suspicious, please do not open that e-mail, nor click on any links or attachments. If you have any doubts, please contact your client adviser, using the normal communication channels.

March 2024: scammers active in France 
InsingerGilissen is specifically warning of attempted fraud by someone posing as an InsingerGilissen France relationship manager. Potential victims are contacted by the scammer by phone with investment proposals. Once interest is piqued, an e-mail is sent to him or her including a document containing the 'investment proposal'. At first glance, this e-mail appears to have been sent by an employee of InsingerGilissen. 

Take care!
InsingerGilissen has no offices in France and will never be the first to contact you by phone to make you an unsolicited investment proposal. Have you been approached in this way? Do not respond and report the attempted scam to the local authorities.

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We guide our clients and subsequent generations in making important financial decisions in every phase of their lives. Where possible/desired, we offer guidance. We distinguish ourselves by:

  • Personal, high-quality service
  • Stable, supportive relationship managers
  • Tailor-made, proven service

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Wealth Planning

We take a holistic approach and our wealth planning begins with taking the time to understand your needs and ambitions, and how they might evolve over time. We work together to develop a plan for you and your family, helping structure your investments so that they are both tax efficient and consistent with your risk appetite.

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Whether it is an unexpected opportunity or a change of circumstance, there may be occasions where you need liquidity or support in the shape of additional funds. Our commitment to understanding your complete financial situation means that we are in the perfect position to help.

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Financial intermediaries

Our ambition is to be your trusted partner, and work together towards your long-term objectives. As a network of financial service providers firmly rooted in all major European markets, we deliver solutions to local and global clients – both in terms of mindset and geography.

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An award-winning private bank
We are proud to be recognized as a trusted fiduciary of family wealth,
where client interests always come first.
