We like to make a strong commitment to society in our own way. Via our services, for example, by giving generously and in our own business operations. This is how we aim to be relevant to our clients, partners, the local community and society at large.
Sustainable investment delivers more than just financial return. Your investment also stimulates sustainable growth at the companies involved.
The United Nations has established a number of principles to promote sustainability in the financial sector: the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI). Both InsingerGilissen Bankiers N.V. and its subsidiary InsingerGilissen Asset Management are certified signatories of these principles. This means that we expressly commit to incorporating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into our investment policy.
We sponsor a variety of social initiatives, such as the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) and Stichting Dansersfonds ‘79. Please send any sponsorship requests by E-mail to info@insingergilissen.nl.